Final Conference – Call for Papers
Institute for Lifecourse & Society
November 22-23, 2018
Galway, Ireland
Extending working life is one of the most important policy measures recommended to respond to population ageing, and the sustainability of social protection systems, in particular pension and health care systems. However, the differential impacts of these policies for various social groups and across different social policy regimes have yet to be explored. One of the main issues is to decide which particular policy measure has which consequences for which social groups, and how that is influenced by different social contexts. By connecting inter-disciplinary research team from 34 countries, this COST Action has been particularly focused on issues such as: the health and economic well-being of diverse groups of older workers, the connection between caring, employment and health, the impact of non-standard forms of employment, age management, gender-sensitive indicators of health and well-being for older workers, identification of innovative policies and good practice.
The final COST conference is an opportunity for COST Action members to present results of their analysis but also to invite other researchers to present their papers in relation to the gender and health impacts of extending working life in western countries.
In particular, we invite submission of paper proposals focusing on:
– Employment and health: what are the health impacts of extending working life and how is the health dimension handled in relation to working conditions?
– Employment and gender: what are the gender impacts of extending working life? How is the gender dimension addressed by employers?
– Employment and care: how do workers and in particular women negotiate working life with family responsibilities in caring?
– Pension, health and gender: how are pension policies evaluated from gender and health perspectives?
– Gender, health, and employment: how gender and health intersect with other characteristics to differentially affect the opportunities and barriers for extending
working life?
– Age based privilege relations in work organizations: what is the relation between ageism, age normativity and age based exclusion / inclusion in work organizations?
– Knowledge based policy development: how can research insights, indicators and evaluation results inform new policy measures?
Comparative analyses of different social contexts and/or across different welfare states and / or focusing on various social groups are particularly encouraged.
We invite all interested to submit 250-300 words abstracts via the conference web-page:
Deadline for submission is May 10th, 2018.
A poster session will be also organized. Those who wish to prepare a poster should indicate this when submitting an abstract.
Key dates:
May 10thth – submission of abstracts
July 1st – notification of acceptance
September 30th – registration opens
October 15th – registration closes
All participants should register via the Conference web-page:
IS1409 Cost Action Members – €0.00
Non IS1409 Cost Action Members – €50.00
Participants are responsible for their own travel and accommodation expenses.
COST Action members are eligible for reimbursement according to COST rules. Practical information on venue, travel, and lodging will be published on the conference web-page in due course.
On behalf of the Organising Committee:
Siniša Zrinščak, COST Action Dissemination Committee Chair
Áine Ni Léime, COST Action Chair