Training School No: 1 Switzerland 7–10 February 2016

Training School No: 1 Switzerland 7–10 February 2016
Lausanne, Switzerland
Trainers and Trainees at the first Training School for COST Action IS1409

Trainers and Trainees at the first Training School for COST Action IS1409

Gender and health impacts of policies extending working life in western countries: The state of the Art

COST Action IS1409 “Gender and health impacts of policies extending working life in western countries” aims to enhance theoretical and empirical social science research on the gender and health impacts of policies aimed at extending the duration of working life in Western countries. In order to meet these aims, a total of 4 Training Schools (TS) will be organised throughout the duration of the Action (one each calendar year).

Programme of the 2016 Training School

We are happy to announce that the 2016 Training School will take place in conjunction with the international conference of the REIACTIS network. Created in 2006, the Réseau d’Etude International sur l’Âge, la Citoyenneté et l’Intégration Socio-Economique (International Network of Research on Ageing, Citizenship and Socio-Economic Integration) organises annual events bringing together social science researchers and policy specialists in the field of ageing. The 5th international conference of this network will take place in February 2016, in Lausanne (Switzerland).


This conference is trilingual (French – English – Spanish) and represents a major event in the calendar of research on ageing, as it also attracts a wide range of socio-economic actors and policy makers. As such, it provides the ideal location for the 1st TS of this COST Action, because many of the leading specialists in the field will be present in Lausanne and available to meet with the trainees and to discuss their work. The TS will take place in advance of the conference, enabling participants to extend their stay in Lausanne by registering for the REIACTIS conference and associated events. (NB. Registration for the conference is not funded by COST).

Call for Applications TS 1

List of Trainees

Practical Information

COST IS1409 – TS1 Final Revised Programme